360Suite with 360Eyes (for SAP BusinessObjects) - 2024.2.2
Release date:
Happy Summer ☀️ everyone!
This release contains a few feature that were asked by some of you.
See below for more details regarding what’s new, compatibility updates, change logs and resolved issues.
Full Documentation: Documentation - Wiiisdom Customer Center
Download Site: https://support.wiiisdom.com/downloads
Of course, do get in touch if you need help with updating.
Contact us via your Customer Center and Support Site: Wiiisdom Customer Center

New Features : 360Suite Solutions
Audit 360Cast Tasks
You are now able to configure in the Administration console a new kind of database. This database will allow you to audit the run of 360Cast Task, we have plans to improve this feature to allow the audit of other type of tasks.
The database will contain an entry for each destination of a task, so that each destination is properly audited, and you will be able to find the status of the destination, the prompts used, the filters and even the restriction.
Archive Job forces Administrator to see the object
Up until now, the archive job was relying on a BusinessObjects behavior that allowed the Administrator user to see the object no matter the right. We are now explicitly giving Administrator the right to see the object to avoid any issues.
360Eyes for SAP BusinessObjects
Click here to read the Release Notes for 360Eyes for SAP BusinessObjects 2024.2.2
360Eyes for SAP Data Services
- We now support PostgreSQL 14,15 and 16 and SQL Server 2022 for 360Eyes for SAP Data Services repositories
- We also support SQL Server 2022 for SAP DataServices Local Repositories
New Features: 360Suite Core
Force Offline Mode for Licenses
You are now able to force the offline mode to use licenses, in case your application is configured with a proxy or a firewall that blocks some requests. This will allow you to configure with ease the application.
Better Logging
We also added more logs in the log file to be able to have more insight on the application usage.
Resolved Issues
▪ Unable to use Side by Side UNV -> UNX (Impact: High)
ID: P360SUITE-11799
Product: 360Bind
Description: Unable to use Side by Side tasks on a document that is mapped on a UNV in one server and a UNX in another.
▪ Cast - Destination lists remain linked even after Task Sharing has been removed (Impact: High)
ID: P360SUITE-11798
Product: 360Cast
Description: Task sharing View rights do not prevent destination lists from being modified, and it is possible to continue using the destination list even after rights have been revoked.
▪ Scheduler start on logon even if auto start is Off (Impact: High)
ID: P360SUITE-11790
Product: 360WPCore
Description: Scheduler with auto start off will start on first logon after a restart.
▪ Unable to use shared XLSX in Destination list (Impact: Medium)
ID: P360SUITE-11845
Product: 360Cast
Description: Unable to use Shared Excel file in Destination List.
▪ Bind Comparison can throw ClassCastException when table cell has changed between text and image (Impact: Medium)
ID: P360SUITE-11833
Product: 360Bind
Description: Regression Testing comparison may fail in specific case where two exports have different content type in table cell.
▪ Unable to edit a task of another user if the password has changed (Impact: Medium)
ID: P360SUITE-11797
Product: 360WPCore
Description: Unable to edit a task of another user if his password has changed or need to be updated.
▪ In some case, the bulk update in matrix can not be used (Impact: Medium)
ID: P360SUITE-11796
Product: 360View
Description: Unable to use the bulk update button in the matrix.
▪ MSU to SSU Conversion can have duplicated column error (Impact: Medium)
ID: P360SUITE-11791
Product: 360Univ
Description: In specific case with Derived Table, the MSU to SSU conversion can give duplicated column error.
▪ MSU to SSU convertion throw Unexpected exception EnterpriseSession cannot be cast to NativeSession at the end (Impact: Medium)
ID: P360SUITE-11788
Product: 360Univ
Description: At the end of a MSU to SSU conversion, an UnexpectedException can be thrown.
▪ Activate license in offline mode doesn't refresh the admin console (Impact: Low)
ID: P360SUITE-11828
Product: 360WPCore
Description: after adding a license in offline mode, the page is not refreshed automatically and a reconnection is required.
▪ Menu button on little screen can be over session selector (Impact: Low)
ID: P360SUITE-11794
Product: 360WPCore
Description: On little screen and with specific custom logo size the menu button is over the session selector.