360Suite with 360Eyes (for SAP BusinessObjects) - 2023.2
Release date:
It's a great time of year! Spring has arrived🌿 and we've released 2023.2 of 360Suite 🚀!
See below for more details regarding what’s new, compatibility updates, change logs and resolved issues.
Full Documentation: https://support.wiiisdom.com/documentation
Download Site: https://support.wiiisdom.com/downloads
Of course, do get in touch if you need help with updating.
Contact us via your Customer Centre and Support Site: https://support.wiiisdom.com/
New Features
360Bind: Image Comparison Library Update
You may know that we also have testing solutions for Tableau and Power BI...
For these new products we wanted to "recreate" the same regression testing experience we already offer you with 360Bind but for that we needed to modernise the way we compare images.
Thanks to that effort, we are now able to give you for SAP BusinessObjects better graphical representation and precision of the tests while being easier and faster to use.
Sounds too good to be true? Take a look 😎
1️⃣ It's so easy to use. You now have only 2 modes: Fine and Strict.
The default is Fine.
Fine: It will detect what the human eye (with a lot of boring effort) could do.
Strict: If you want to detect differences at the individual pixel level. E.g.: font change.
2️⃣ The choice of comparison mode has no impact on performance!
To give you an idea, a test ran in 2023.1 with the finest setting took 1:48 min vs now 39 secs with this release.
3️⃣ Let's just say that it's how it looked before:
And this is how it looks like now:
Notice how we could hardly see "Transaction Date" before compared to now.
In summary:
✅ Ease of use.
✅ Fast!
✅ Results are more visually pleasing and simpler to consume.
360View - Webi Change Source Strategy Selection
When doing a repointing of Web Intelligence documents to a new Universe, you now have the same Strategy Selection you would find in BOBJ.
So just like before, repoint in bulk, loads of Webi documents, all at once but now, with the strategy that you want!
360Univ - Enhanced Conversion of UNX Multisource (MSU) to UNX Single Source (SSU)
We introduced this super powerful feature back in 2023.1.1. Thanks to your comments and feedback, we now support even more connection types and drivers.
360Cast - Support Shared File Excel/CSV Destination List
Your Excel and CSV Destination Lists can be "Shared Files". That means they will be loaded at every run time.
That way, when you update these Excel and CSV, you don't need to reimport them manually in 360Cast.
360View - Document Extra Columns for Non-Recurring Instances
In the documentation (Web task and Documentation Task) of Non-Recurring Instances you will now find two new column that displays the frequency and size of the instance.
Delete Traces of BOBJ Environments from 360Suite
360Suite may have data (Backups, Versioning, etc) from BOBJ environments you no longer use. You can delete all traces in 360Suite from the Administration Console.
User Experience
Session Selector
To enhance your experience, we have relocated the Session Selector to a single and friendly place for the entire interface.
Edit Objects
When you edit an object. Instead of the small popup with a lot of scrolling, you now have a new modern kind of frame to do the edit while remaining on the same screen.
HTML Emails
Send all your emails across 360Suite in HTML format!
360View is now 100% usable via our API.
Added support for scheduling 360Cast to SharePoint Online when there is a Proxy between 360Suite and SharePoint Online.
Deprecated Databases
We are no longer supporting the following databases as they are no longer supported by their respective vendors and SAP BusinessObjects.
- MySQL 5.5
- Oracle 10g
- IBM DB2 9.5
- PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6, 10
Resolved Issues
P360SUITE-11029 - In some cases (e.g two connection failures) converting legacy tasks may fail with invalid logon token error
P360SUITE-10991 - Unable to download the watcher chart
P360SUITE-10983 - Creating user with the right to change password add an unwanted granular right
P360SUITE-10978 - Changing a disabled task to external makes it disappear
P360SUITE-10975 - Unable to access the Duplicate button in the Security Zone
P360SUITE-10974 - Merging a draft that contains instances is not working on 4.3SP0 and higher
P360SUITE-10961 - Tab CSV Separator is not working
P360SUITE-10947 - Delete Universe Template not working
P360SUITE-10945 - Documentation of Granular Rights of Access Levels is incomplete
P360SUITE-10920 - Cast Document Name may cause issues with Windows and the task
P360SUITE-10916 - Changing backup credentials does not work the first time
P360SUITE-10908 - Adding and removing user group backup and public folder backup leads to inconsistency between GUI and task
P360SUITE-10907 - Crystal Prompts are not dynamicaly interpreted
P360SUITE-10878 - Recurring Instances documentation that executes in the next X days send back empty list
P360SUITE-10877 - Unable to import UNX restrictions on User Groups
P360SUITE-10870 - Creating User Groups from context menu does not create it in the selected group
P360SUITE-10861 - Unable to create user on BI 4.3 SP3
P360SUITE-10860 - When we manage to rollback UNX universe in disaster recovery mode, we say its a success but increment failure counter
P360SUITE-10233 - Unable to populate Excel cells with values larger than 32767 characters