360Suite with 360Eyes (for SAP BusinessObjects) - 2022.1.1

Release date:

It’s still early enough in the year to send from all of us at Wiiisdom best wishes and a Happy New Year 2022 🥳!

We are very happy to introduce you to this latest release of 360Suite Web Platform.

Full Documentation: https://support.wiiisdom.com/documentation
Download Site: https://support.wiiisdom.com/downloads

Do get in touch if you need help with updating and please read below for more information regarding what’s new, compatibility and resolved issues.

Support Site: https://support.wiiisdom.com/

See you in a few months for 2022.2 🌻

Take care and stay safe!

New Features

360Suite Web Platform

Modernised Login Screens

We continue to simplify and optimise our user interfaces to enhance the experience. In this release we worked on Login Screens.

New and Improved Drilldown

Gone is the old and outdated Drilldown and replaced by this new, user-friendly and super fast filter interface.

Note: As before, the advanced mode is available for customers of 360View only.


Better Handling of Instances

After the document has been refreshed in an export task, we now do the rest of the process in a temporary folder instead of the actual location of the document.


Webi Sessions: Deactivate Watcher alerts for Active

Just like other watchers, Webi Sessions can also be deactivated.

Webi Sessions: Email Alert to the User Triggering the Alert

You can now email the actual user running a long Webi session! Simply use the new dynamic placeholder %TUEMAIL.


Keep versioning data when the CMS name changes (Part 1 – Manual)

Currently using 360Vers and planning to move into a new BOBJ Server?

No problem, we can help you keep your versioning data. In this release it is a manual process so please do get in touch so we can do it with you.

In 2022.2 we aim to have this “repointing” facility available directly in the interface.


SQL Destination List Preview Result

Previewing a SQL Destination list now shows you the data in the columns completely rather than truncating the values.

FTP / SFTP Auto create the entire path

Scheduling to a FTP / SFTP location where folders in the path did not exist will create them automatically. Mirroring the behaviour of the Disk destination.


This is the final component that wasn’t moved from 360Suite Legacy to the Web Platform.

360Init is a very powerful solution where you can initiate BOBJ projects using a simple Spreadsheet Template.

Scenario: Tomorrow you have a new department, team, retail branch, etc joining and need access to the BOBJ platform. Instead of creating and administering everything manually which is very time consuming and error prone, now do it directly in Excel!

Object Creation:

  • Groups
  • Users
  • Folders
  • Categories
  • Universe Folders
  • Connection Folders
  • Event Folders
  • Access Levels

Security Model:

  • Group Matrix
  • Categories Matrix
  • Universe Folder Matrix
  • Connection Folder Matrix
  • BOE Application Matrix
  • Personal Folders Matrix
  • Inboxes Matrix
  • Event Folders Matrix

The benefits are huge:

  • Design a structure and security model offline
  • Validate the work to be done before importing the spreadsheet
  • Reuse that design to automatically make it happen in BOBJ
  • Can be also used as documentation, evidence, regulations, audit
  • Easily reuse that template when a new team needs BOBJ access

Not only can you create all this but we offer the ability to perform some updates too! We have more on the roadmap on that front. Get in touch with us for a presentation!

See the documentation for more information.

360Suite Web Platform (API)

360Plus: Promotion Processor (Introduction)

Initial features to promote content between environments have been added to the API.

360View: Update Personal Security

You can now use the Update Personal Security Admin Task using the API.


  • SAP BI 4.3 SP02: Support for SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.3 SP02
  • Postgres: Support for Postgres 13

Change Logs

  • Tomcat: 360Suite Web Platform is now shipped with Tomcat 9.0.56
  • Log4j: Updated with log4j 2.17