360Eyes: End of the standalone application maintenance

As announced late 2023, the 360Eyes module of 360Suite - which was an independant application so far and relying on SAP BusinessObjects' ProgramJobs to schedule metadata extractions - is permanently moving to 360Suite, along with the rest of all 360Suite's modules. One single application to rule them all (the modules).

The transition was made progressively, and now, starting from 2025, 360Eyes will no longer be released as a standalone product. If you haven't done it yet, we strongly recommend switching from the standalone version of 360Eyes to the version included in 360Suite. Feel free to reach out to us if you need a free 30-minute session to help you move your ProgramJobs (from SAP BusinessObjects' CMC) into 360Suite "Metadata and Impact Analysis" tasks.

The module remains updated and will benefit from fixes when applicable, however, from now on, these improvements will only be implemented in 360Eyes included with 360Suite. All the above concerns both 360Eyes for SAP BusinessObjects and 360Eyes for SAP  Data Services.

Information about the very last standalone version of 360Eyes can be found here (version 2024.3.1):
  1. Release notes:
    1. 360Eyes for SAP BusinessObjects
    2. 360Eyes for SAP Data Services

  2. Product downloads:
    1. 360Eyes for SAP BusinessObjects
    2. 360Eyes for SAP Data Services

  3. Online documentation:
    1. 360Eyes for SAP BusinessObjects
    2. 360Eyes for SAP BusinessObjects - Parameters
    3. 360Eyes for SAP Data Services
    4. 360Eyes for SAP Data Services - Parameters

N.B.: the release notes are sequenced by release number. Earlier release notes of the products can be found using the menu on the right as in the example below.

Last updated 3 months ago