2025.1 made a lot of changes regarding log generation. Allowing users and support agent to be more efficient in the search of issues.
The 360Suite Tomcat will now generate new files if old one are getting too large, this will only happen on 360Suite embedded Tomcat.
The files will have a name like : 360Suite-<date>-<number of file this day>.txt
Where <number of file this day> starts from 1, and goes up for every new file created.
How To
To leverage the new logs, we formatted them in a logical way to allow the usage of third-party tools to read the logs.
In this example we are using ULogViewer, an opensource tool that you can
find here.
When given a template, the log file will look like this :
The tool also allow us to filter types of logs, to only search for Errors, specific times and so on.
To apply the template, simply copy everything from the
.json file here, and copy it in a file named 360suite.json and you will be able to use it on your own.
Once the template is applied, simply open the log file, and you should see the interface as above.