"DB003: Suitable driver not found" when configuring 360Suite databases


  • When configuring 360Suite main database

  • When configuring 360Eyes database

  • When trying to create a 360Cast or 360WOFBO SQL source

  • When trying to create a 360View SQL Query

Once you selected your database type and validate the form, you fet "DB003: Suitable driver not found".


  • Product : 360Suite

  • Product Version : any

  • Database : any


360Suite uses JDBC drivers to connect any database. By default we only provide postgres JDBC driver. However we are compatible with a much broader set of DBMS (see PAM)


If you need to access only one type of DBMS, you can auto configure the deployed JDBC driver at setup time:

Once the system prompt you from the JDBC driver path, enter the path to the jar file.
Please ensure the JDBC driver is compatible with java 8

Otherwise the procedure is : 

  1. Stop 360Suite tomcat
  2. Copy your jarfile into {tomcat}/webapps/360.suite/WEB-INF/lib
  3. Start 360Suite tomcat
  4. Retry configuring the database

Last updated over 1 year ago