Tests not running due to the version of Chrome/Edge
Tests ran in Wiiisdom Ops for Tableau Designer or CLI are failing shortly after starting.
Error message:
An unexpected error occured. org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException:
session not created: This version of ChromeDriver/EdgeDriver only supports Chrome/Edge version
This error messages indicates an incompatibility with the version of your Google Chrome or Edge web browser and the chromedriver or msedgedriver executable shipped with the Wiiisdom Ops for Tableau bundle.
You can either:
- Update your Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browser and Wiiisdom Ops for Tableau application to their latest respective releases.
- Browse to:
- https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads (for Google Chrome up to version 114)
- https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/ (for Google Chrome starting from version 115)
- https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/webdriver/ (for Microsoft Edge)
- Select the version of the chromedriver or msedgedriver executable matching the version of your Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browser
- Download the archive corresponding to your operating system ("win32" for Windows, "linux64" for Linux or "mac64" for MacOS)
- Unzip the archive under "<Wiiisdom-Ops-for-Tableau-home>/kinesis-cli/webdrivers" (overwrite the existing "chromedriver.exe" or "msedgedriver.exe" file)
Important note
Starting from version 2022.3, Wiiisdom Ops for Tableau now offers a feature that automatically updates the webdriver used by a simple click!
Last updated about 1 year ago