ERR_WIS_30272 Maximum character output size limit reached in Regression Test Export Tasks and Scheduling And Bursting Tasks


Regression Test Export tasks with Webi documents exported with the XML/Paginated XML format end up in warning/failed state with the following error during phase3:
Scheduling And Bursting tasks with Web documents exported with XML/CSV/CSVR/HTML/mHTML format end up in warning state with the following error during phase 3:

Error: com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.CommunicationException$UnexpectedServerException: Maximum character output size limit reached. Contact your BusinessObjects administrator. (Error: ERR_WIS_30272)


  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.1
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.2
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.3

Reproducing the issue

  1. Log into 360Suite.
  2. Schedule a Regression Test Export task for a large Webi document, using the XML format.
  3. Open the logs of the task.


The XML files exported by the task using the SAP Business Objects SDK are too large for the WebIntelligenceProcessingSever servers.


  1. In the CMC, go to Servers > Servers list > Properties of your WebIntelligenceProcessingServer servers.
  2. Under the "Web Intelligence Common Services" section, increase the parameters below.
  3. Restart the updated servers

  1. Maximum Character Stream Size (MB)
  1. Binary Stream Maximum Size (MB)
Most of the time, 500MB for the Maximum Character Stream Size and 100MB for the Binary Stream Maximum Size is enough. If needed you can set an higher value but you will not be able to enter more than 4000.


360bind, Webi, binary, stream, size, character, output, limit, reached, ERR_WIS_30272


Product or Product version

  • 360Bind
  • 360Cast
  • 360Wiiisdom Ops For SAP BOBJ
  • 360Freemium


  • English US
  • English UK
  • French

Last updated over 1 year ago