How to execute 360Eyes jobs for other CMS?


360eyes is installed either on a dedicated server or on a sandbox.

You want to extract metadata from a different BOBJ CMS and Audit DB.


  • 360Eyes
  • SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.0
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.1
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.2
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.3


There are 2 ways to point 360eyes to a different CMS. 

  1. Using the GUI. 
  2. Using the CMC and passing parameters.

1. Using the GUI

a) Modify the BOBJ Audit connection URL and credentials in the 360eyes.param file - available under 360eyes installation directory.

You can do that either by manually modifying the file, or by running the setup.exe from the installation package.

For a manual change - In order to to encrypt the password, please follow the steps detailed on page 43 of the installation guide:

b) Navigate to the 360eyes installation directory.

c) Right-click and Edit the 360eyes_GUI_BI4.bat with a text editor, and ensure the path to the BOBJ SDK corresponds to the location of the BOBJ installation in your environment.

d) Right-click and "Run as Administrator" the 360eyes_GUI_BI4.bat file and provide the required information. Note: Always run the CMS job first against a new CMS, so all the dependencies are extracted before running report-centric and universe-centric jobs.

2. Using the CMC

You can pass all the parameters - for the alternative CMS + its BOBJ Audit - within the Arguments section of the Program Parameters for the 360eyes job.
a) Right-click on the 360eyes job, and select Default Settings.

c) Click on Program Parameters and append the content of the Arguments field. It will contain the path of the 360eyes folder on the disk - do not change this. Simply add parameters after that value.

You can find more information about Command Line jobs in the documentation.
An example, the Arguments to connect to my Training CMS and Audit DB would be as follows:
-TargetCms=sapbi2training -TargetCmsUser=Administrator -TargetCmsPass=password -TargetCmsAuth=secEnterprise -DBAUDURL=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver//MYSQLSR16:1433/BO_AUD42 -DBAUDuser=dba -DBAUDpass=password

In order to encrypt passwords, please follow the steps detailed here.

See Also



Product or Product version

  • 360Eyes


  • English

Last updated 8 days ago