SEN015 warning when configuring the SMTP server


The following warning appears:

when an email is sent by the application:
  1. SMTP Configuration in the Admin Console.
  2. Email notifications in a task or a watcher.
  3. Email notification in the 360Vers workflow.


  1. 360WebPlatform
  2. Microsoft Exchange SMTP Server
  3. SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.1
  4. SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.2

Reproducing the issue

  1. Go into 360WebPlatform Admin Console.

  2. Go to General Preferences.

  3. Fill the SMTP configuration with your SMTP server information without checking the SSL option.

  4. Fill your username and password.

  5. Try to send a test email to verify your configuration

  6. A warning appears : SEN015


The connexion to a Microsoft SMTP server (like Exchange) with credentials on a non-secured channel (SSL/TLS disabled) is not supported by the JavaMail library used by the application to send emails.


Solution 1 - Recommended

Switch to a secured communication channel by enabling the SSL/TLS option in the SMTP configuration of the application, and change the SMTP port used accordingly.

Please note that your SMTP server must support SSL/TLS encryption.

Solution 2

Remove the credentials from your SMTP configuration, to avoid passing credentials over the network on a non-secured channel. This is only possible if your SMTP server accepts connections without credentials.


360WebPlatform, SMTP, Microsoft Exchange


Product or Product version

  • 360WebPlatform


  • English US

  • English UK

  • French

Last updated over 4 years ago