How to configure SQL Server with Windows Authentication


When trying to configure a SQL Server database using Windows Authentication as part of the 360eyes database configuration, the following error is returned: "The driver is not configured for integrated authentication".


  • 360Eyes 2020.3 and later versions.
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Windows
  • SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.0
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.1
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.2
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.3


1. To allow Windows Authentication on SQL Server, download the file file using this link: Download File.
Identify the dll file that match your JVM version running on your system:
  • mssql-jdbc_auth-12.2.0.x86.dll if using a 32-bit JVM
  • mssql-jdbc_auth-12.2.0.x64.dll if using a 64-bit JVM

2. Copy this file to any folder listed in the system path (the PATH environment variable on Windows environments only).
For example :
  1. C:\Windows\System32
If it doesn't work, you can directly place it in the Java bin and lib folders.
For example :
  1. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_291\bin
  2. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_291\lib
More information is available directly on SQL Server driver documentation.

3. Then restart the installation (you must close the wizard). When configuring the 360Eyes DB, you must set the domain user, and leave the user and password empty:

4. The same can be done for the BOE Audit database configuration if needed. Finish the installation as usual.

Check that you have a single SQL Server JDBC driver in C:\360eyes\libs named mssql-jdbc-12.2.0.jre8.jar. Having multiple versions can generate issues during this particular configuration.

Check that the port number provided is the correct one. Do not hesitate to test with empty port number like:  jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=AdventureWorks;integratedSecurity=true;


SQLServer, Windows Authentication


Product or Product version

  • 360Eyes


  • English

Last updated about 1 month ago